Quadro Black Chrome Multifunction Shower Head (75QBC)

Available in both polished and brushed black chrome this square ceiling shower head with multiple shower functions including rainfall, waterfall and mist nebulisers.

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5. Select Chromotherapy

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This ultra-modern ceiling mounted shower head in black chrome is a multifunctional design with rain, waterfall and mist shower functions, plus LED chromotherapy lighting. Manufactured in high quality stainless steel with a hard-wearing brushed or polished black chrome finish.
Chromotherapy options include a wall mounted light control in matching black chrome.
Please note these custom shower heads are manufactured to order.

Product Description
Product Description

This ultra-modern ceiling mounted shower head in black chrome is a multifunctional design with rain, waterfall and mist shower functions, plus LED chromotherapy lighting. Manufactured in high quality stainless steel with a hard-wearing brushed or polished black chrome finish.
Chromotherapy options include a wall mounted light control in matching black chrome.
Please note these custom shower heads are manufactured to order.

Product Features
Product Features

• Designed and made in Italy
• Manufactured in stainless steel
• Brushed or polished finish
• Ceiling mounted
• 430mm or 500mm
• Rainfall, Waterfall and Nebulising Mist functions
• Optional chromotherapy lights
• Free UK mainland delivery

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