Bathroom Secrets Revealed
The cat’s out of the bag, ladies. Thanks to a recent poll by QVS Beauty Tools Experts your secret beauty regimes performed behind firmly closed bathroom doors have been revealed.
However, judging by the poll’s results, more than a quarter of the 1,000 men polled had no idea what you actually get up to in there anyway.
The naked truth
The procedures for dealing with hair removal, whether it’s plucking eyebrows and chins, sorting out bikini-lines or waxing or bleaching moustaches, fortunately evade your partners. Your use of hair extensions, eyelashes, control pants, push-up bras and the application of fake tan also passes them by. Clueless or just completely disinterested? You decide.
A word from the experts
According to a spokeswoman for QVS Beauty Tools Experts, “All women will be able to relate to locking themselves in the bathroom to carry out top secret beauty tasks they don’t want their partner to know about. Waxing or plucking unwanted hair and smothering yourself in fake tan aren’t particularly alluring things to do, so it’s understandable women don’t want to broadcast these jobs to their other half.”
“Hair removal seems to be the most embarrassing thing that women would prefer to keep from their partner. But in a way it’s a compliment to the men in their lives that they are prepared to go to such lengths to look good and keep it a secret.”
“Most women of course have a regime that makes them look and feel better and the longer you have been with someone the more comfortable you feel in their presence. Getting up extra early to apply false eyelashes or to put in hair extensions on a daily basis to avoid your partner finding out you wear them does seem extreme.”
The stats
· 4 in 10 women deliberately conceal their beauty routines from their husband
· 1 in 20 admits their other halves have never seen them without make-up
· 1 in 10 ladies never allow their partner to see them without make-up
· The average woman doesn’t feel body confident until she’s been in a relationship for over a year
The poll also revealed that the longer women are in relationships the more relaxed they become about their beauty regime, with three-quarters of the 1,000 women polled by QVS Beauty Tools Experts admitting to just that.
A word to the wise
However ladies, just because your secret is out it’s not necessarily a good idea to leave the bathroom door open when going about your beautifying antics. It seems your partners aren’t quite ready for that.
1 in 10 men said they would be shocked to learn that their girlfriend or wife wore push-up bras or control pants. And a quarter of the 1,000 men polled would be surprised if your manicured nails were false, your eye colour was the work of contacts and your perfect teeth were the result of veneers. Oh dear, they have a lot to learn.
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