Sun loving houseplants
‘Summer lovin’ had me a blast’ so the song goes and that’s exactly how some of your houseplants will feel after a couple of months of summer sun. There’s no doubt that when the sun shines some of your houseplants will enjoy the rays either on a window sill or out on the terrace. But of course you need to be sure they are sun worshippers.
Mediterranean lovers
There are some obvious ones that will love the warm sun; these include citrus plants. A warm day here reflects the conditions they are used to in their native countries so they will really soak up the rays and feel blessed to be sun-kissed.
Geraniums are a good staple for this season. You’ll see them all over in Mediterranean countries and even here. They bloom profusely in tubs, window boxes and hanging baskets and are now also an English staple of summer planting.
Tropical beauties
If you are lucky enough to have a striking Bird of Paradise plant (Strelitzia), a saucer shaped- flowering Hibiscus or delicate-looking Bougainvillea, then these too will flourish in the warm days of summer. Moving them in their pots onto your terrace will add great splashes of colour and provide an instant garden.

Of course when the temperatures start to dip, all of these beauties will need rehousing indoors. So if you’ve bought them especially to grace your terrace please make sure they can have a home inside for most of the year. Our summers are seldom renowned for being long and hot.
Happy cactus and succulents
The Jade plant aka Crassula ovata Aloe, Echeveria of course, Kalanchoe, Sansevieria – Mother-inn-Law’s tongue to you and me all love warm surroundings. They aren’t as thirsty as many other plants although they do need a drink from time to time. But they will add interest to your summer temporary planting before they retire inside for the colder days.

The Jade plant
Another cactus to enjoy the great outdoors is the Christmas cactus that has probably looked sad in the corner since it stopped blooming months ago; it will be really refreshed by a couple of warm months outside enjoying sun and rain.
There are a number of plants which are usually used n the garden but would look equally as good inside as the weather cools.
Coleus with its pretty red or pink and green leaves is one of these. Some Pepperomia will fare ok, Hoya with its waxy flowers and Oxalis with its delicate, purple leaves and pink flowers are others.

Of course if you’ve made yourselves a sheltered or shaded area in the garden, many of your houseplants especially those that love dappled light, will enjoy a holiday in the garden here.
They don’t need to be deprived. After all we all need a holiday so make sure your houseplants get what they deserve. They’ll fare much better when you bring them back inside for winter.