6 innovative under-stairs solutions
The space under the stairs is often utilised to provide essential storage in our homes. And whilst it’s great to be able to contain household paraphernalia such as coats, shoes, wellies and umbrellas behind closed doors, this space also lends itself nicely to other ideas.
If you can face re-homing the contents of your under-stair storage, then you could transform this space into an additional ‘room’ in your home or a more creative storage solution.
Pop up bar
Admitting to having a bar in your home can lead to unnecessary judgement from other people, but we like to think of this innovative idea as a spacious, temperature-controlled wine rack. Done tastefully, a dedicated bar area provides a home for your wine cooler, storage for drinks and glasses and an area to serve drinks or mix cocktails.
And if your under-stair bar is in your dining room or close by, it’s brilliantly placed for when you host a dinner party, entertain guests or throw a party.
Instant library
Despite the wide range of reading devices available, some of us still prefer to read an actual book. And even if we’ve succumbed to the convenience of a tablet or Kindle to access and store our favourite reading matter, we may still have a decent collection of books that we’re unwilling to part with.
Instead of storing them in the loft or trying to contain them in overfilled bookcases throughout the home, why not give them room to shine by utilising your under-stair space? Not only does this give you easy access to your books, but it can also provide a splash of colour to an all white decor.
Dedicated reading space
Of course you could take your instant library one step further and create a dedicated reading space instead. The result, storage space plus a comfy nook for relaxing, reading and snoozing. Perfect.
Sleepover solution
If you’ve got kids sleepovers are inevitable. Whilst most of us have to get creative with the limited floor space in our children’s bedrooms to accommodate their friends for a sleepover, parents with multi-storied houses could utilise this great idea. Just a thought.
Park and ride
Not all of us have access to outdoor space or the luxury of a garage or shed to store our bikes in. So, if you’re the proud owner of two wheels and love the concept of open-plan loft living, this idea should tick both boxes.
Pet pad
Anyone who owns a cat will know that they rule the roost, but if you fancy giving them their own dedicated pad, the space under the stairs could make the perfect hideaway.
If these innovative solutions are just too outside the box for you or you could really do with a dedicated space for a home office, how about this?
Or if a downstairs cloakroom would make better use of the space and ease the strain on the family bathroom, check out our Installing a downstairs cloakroom blog for more tips and ideas.