The benefits of installing a steam shower or steam room
If you frequent the gym or treat yourself to relaxing spa weekends, then you’ll know just how good you feel after a session in the steam room. But have you ever considered the possibility of installing your own steam room at home or transforming your shower into a steam shower?
What’s the difference?
We’re glad you asked. Essentially there’s not a great deal of difference between the two as both options require a steam generator to pump in the steam. If you have the space, then a dedicated steam room gives you plenty of room to manouvere, but if not, a steam shower can be contained within a shower enclosure in your bathroom.
What are the health benefits?
The feel good factor is a given, but steam rooms and steam showers can also provide some amazing health benefits. These include:
Cleaning and rejuvenating your skin: the rapid sweating induced by a steam room session, typically at 40°C with 100% humidity, clears pores and sweat glands of harmful toxins. The end result is improved skin tone and texture.
Giving your cardiovascular system a workout: during a steam room session the heart rate increases, as well as the blood vessels in the skin. This improves blood flow and increases blood circulation without increasing blood pressure.
Boosting your immune system: in response to the body temperature rising during a steam room session, the body goes into fever-fighting mode. As a result, the production of white blood cells is stimulated and antibodies and antiviral proteins are generated, aiding the healing process of the body.
Aiding your respiratory system: steam inhalation is often recommended for respiratory ailments. A steam room session can help to relieve the symptoms of colds, sinusitis, bronchitis, sore throats and croup, as well as relieve congestion of the respiratory membranes and asthma.
Helping with weight loss: although the water lost through sweating is quickly regained once the water is replenished, the body could burn up to 400 calories during a 30 minute steam room session. This is due to an increased heart rate which sends blood to the capillaries and the conversion of fats and carbohydrates.
Are steam rooms and steam showers easy to install?
Yes. At Livinghouse we supply installation kits that make the job incredibly easy. The kits include all the equipment you will require, from the steam generator, chrome steam venting outlet and programmable digital thermostat control, to the insulated wall boards, steam room joining tape and primer. Most importantly they come with full fitting instructions and an optional extra in the form of a fold down shower seat.
So whether you’re considering a steam room or steam shower, we can supply all the materials you will need.