Ready to receive guests
Obviously your bathroom is always spotlessly clean so that whoever uses your ‘little room’ is happy to do so. But there are a few other things that need to be readily available for guests and visitors – that’s those who don’t know your secret storage places.
As the perfect host with the perfect bathroom, you’ll want to show the same sort of hospitality in this room as in the rest of your home. So make it easy for visitors with these tips.
Loo roll
Make sure that there are readily available back up toilet rolls so that no-one finds themselves in the embarrassing predicament of being caught short of this commodity. This is even more necessary in the ‘good host’ stakes if the guest doesn’t know you very well.
A fresh scented spray
Similarly spare their blushes by ensuring there is a pleasant scent spray or similar easily available for those moments when guests need to disguise the smells! There is nothing worse than being the culprit but not being able to cover it up.
Hand towel
An obvious hand towel means guests can find something to dry their hands on after using your facilities. If you really want to go the whole hog have a pleasant smelling hand soap pump and some hand cream available.
Another lovely touch is to leave some tissues and cotton wool readily available.
A bathroom rubbish bin
Guests will really appreciate not having to smuggle out personal ‘rubbish’. A bathroom bin will offer them somewhere to dispose of unwanted or embarrassing rubbish – make sure it is empty before they arrive though.
Clean under the toilet seat
We’re sure you don’t forget to do this but sometimes if you don’t live with ‘boys’ it can get overlooked. Male guests will almost certainly lift the seat to use your toilet so make sure it as pristine as the top of the seat.
Hide your personal things
Particularly anything you don’t necessarily want guests to see such as medical creams or potions. Or anything you feel embarrassed about. Just because they are using your facilities you don’t have to share you whole life-story with them.
Protect their feelings
If your bathroom is close to your living space and those using it can be heard ‘going about their business’ by others nearby, try to cover up the silence. Playing some background music is a good way.
In general
As we said make sure your bathroom is spotlessly clean. If your guests are staying overnight or for a few nights, this also means giving the bathroom a daily clean while they are staying. Make sure you empty the bin daily too.
Change their towels or offer them clean towels after a day or so too and top up any of the supplies like tissues or cotton wool that you left ready. Just make sure your bathroom looks its best.
We’re sure we’re telling our ‘grandmother how to suck eggs’ with these comments but they’re just a gentle reminder!