Natural bath products
Most of us love soaking in the bath with lovely smelling products. It makes us feel good. Of course there are a huge range of bath-time ‘smellies’ to choose from too ranging from household named products found on every supermarket shelf to more indulgent ones.
The ‘natural’ product ranges have also gained in popularity over the years too. Anita Roddick started this in the UK in 1976 with her Body Shop range which now covers just about everything you need for your beauty regime whether you are male or female. Despite later claims that Roddick’s ethics weren’t all they seemed, the Body Shop, now owned by L’Oreal, has become a favourite for many.
Some 18 years after the launch of the Body Shop came Lush in 1994. It was founded by Mark and Mo Constantine who had previously been suppliers to the Body Shop. Their products are vegetarian and they do not believe in or carry out any testing on animals.
Of course these aren’t the only two companies that produce ‘natural’ products: Burt’s Bees produce bath products and beauty products from beeswax, willow bark, Aloe, pomegranate and herbs; Faith in Nature also uses a wide range of natural products in their beauty products which they have been producing sine 1974 too.
We’re sure there are many more producers of natural and fair trade products for the bathroom just like these. But have you ever thought about making your own? We know it’s not as instant but if you love to have a go at things yourself, why not try these recipes?
Rose and Vanilla bath bombs
This recipe is courtesy of Hello Natural
- 1 cup baking soda
- 1 cup citric acid powder
- 1/2 cup cornstarch
- 1/2 cup of light oil, like canola
- About a dozen drops of essential oil – or we used vanilla essence
- Food colouring – optional
- Moulds – we used pastry cutters
Mix all of the ingredients together (minus the food colouring) in a big bowl. If you want a mix of colours take out small portions of the mixture into another bowl and mix in the food colouring with your hands.
We formed balls out of the plain mixture and used pastry cutters to form moulds. Pack the mixture into them – we added dried rose buds too just dotted around. Leave them to dry overnight and take them out of the moulds.
Then they are ready to pop into your bath – they will fizz once they hit the water!
Floral Body Scrub
Recipe and image courtesy of Freutcake
1 Cup Sea salt
½ Cup Sweet Almond Oil
5-7 Drops Lavender or Rose Hip Seed Essential Oil
1 Tbsp. Dried Lavender or Rose
Sealable Jars
Mix the salt, oil and essential oil in a bowl and combine well
Add dried flowers and fold in
Spoon into jars and seal
Body scrub should last for several weeks and is great for exfoliating.
Lemon and Peppermint foot scrub
In the recipe above
Swap the lavender or rose hip essential oils for 8 drops of peppermint oil
Add 2 tsp lemon zest
Pop into clean jars
Courtesy of Freutcake
You’ll find plenty more recipes on the Internet for soaps and other bath time treats.
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