Easter decorations: crafty ideas
We have a love (and habit) of browsing Pinterest and the Internet for design inspiration. So when we stumbled upon these inspired Easter and spring ideas, well, we just knew we had to share them with you.
Now we must warn you, these ideas involve time spent getting crafty. Are your chocolate-smeared fingers up for the challenge? If so, read on…
Turn eggs into cute vases
We can always rely on Martha Stewart for innovative ideas that make good use of our leftovers. You’ll find her 3-step project here if you’ve got time to get creative with eggs. Personally we’d soft boil the eggs first, dunk ‘soldiers’ in them for brekkie and then clean out the shells for our flower arrangements, but we’re greedy like that.

Martha Stewart
Too good to hide?
If you’re still duty bound to arrange the annual Easter Egg Hunt for your family or want to add a stunning design detail to your interior, these gold leafed eggs are the business. Put aside a few hours to get creative with toothpicks and dyes and you’ll be the envy of your friends when they get an eyeful of these beauties. You can find a full step by step guide on She Knows.

Get Kirstie Allsopp to rock up at your door
Guaranteed to make Kirstie come a knocking for details, this full-on Easter wreath features an abundance of bunnies, eggs and seasonal flowers. Follow Kirstie’s lead by getting crafty and create your own.

Give the kids a project (and tummy ache)
This Easter Bunny-fied jar is filled with delicious white chocolate eggs to drive your kids crazy, especially if you glue the lid on (by mistake, obviously). You could of course fill it with white marshmallows to create the same effect. Or fill it with non-edible products like cotton wool balls and display it in the bathroom, if you’re partial to cute bunnies that is. You’ll find full instructions on the Tinyprints Blog.

The lazy gardener
If your garden is still waiting patiently for you to pop outside and tidy it up after winter, shut the back door and head to the garden centre instead. Grab yourself some seasonal plants, like Muscari and Hyacinth, and plant them up in that jaunty aged container or wine box you bought at the car boot. Pat yourself on the back for achieving instant shabby-chic appeal with minimal effort.
- Muscari
- Hyacinth
Create the Tree of…Easter
Decorated trees are not just for Christmas you know. Why else would shops and supermarkets stock all those cute Easter decorations if not to hang in our homes? Venture out into the garden and snap off the first greenery of the spring, whack it in a vase and hang some brightly painted eggs on it. You know you want to.

Get your eggs in a row
So you’ve spent hours transforming the humble egg x 52 into painted masterpieces, now what to do with them? Make an Easter egg garland of course. Warning! This time-consuming craft project contains glitter. Lots of glitter.

Looking for design inspiration or more seasonal decoration ideas? You’ll find it right here on our blog.